∙ Blueberry Splash ∙
Carbonated Blueberry Mead
~ Semi-Sweet Blueberry Mead (Carbonated) ~
Fizzy, full bodied, smooth and bursting with Blueberry flavor. Hints of vanilla and lemon.
$23 / 750ml
7.5% ABV (alcohol)

∙ Recipes ∙
Cooking & Cocktail Recipes using “Blueberry Splash” Mead

Mead Float
An adult ice cream float
This alcoholic ice cream float is creamy & reminiscent of Italian soda. The tartness of the berries balances the sweetness of the ice cream and the mint brings a delightful aroma to every sip.
Can be made with any of our “Splash Series” meads: Raspberry Splash, Blueberry Splash or Lemon Splash
1/4 Cup Remeadies Raspberry, Blueberry or Lemon Splash Mead
2 Scoops French Vanilla Ice Cream
Mint & berries for garnish
1) Add a scoop of ice cream to the bottom of a glass.
2) Carefully pour in the mead, reserving a little.
3) Add the second scoop and drizzle the remaining mead over the top.
4) Garnish with mint and raspberries.
* Try with Raspberry, Blueberry or Lemon Splash Mead (lemon requires additional ice cream to balance. Think “creamsicle”)
* Make it a parfait with layers of Granola or Cookies
* Try with Chocolate Ice Cream or Fruit Sorbet

Sunset Mead with Lemon & Blueberry Splash
A Beautiful Sunset of Layered Meads
Blueberry Splash Mead is poured carefully over Lemon Splash Mead to create a stunning display of complimentary flavors.
* Lemon Splash Mead
* Blueberry Splash Mead
1) Fill a wine glass half way full with Lemon Splash Mead.
2) Fill the rest of the glass with Blueberry Splash Mead by pouring it slowly over the back of a spoon, held close to the surface.
Pouring over the back of the spoon spreads out the pour so that it will gently form layers.