∙ Lemon Splash ∙

Carbonated Lemon Mead

Made from Citrus Blossom Honey and 2 varieties of Lemons: Meyer and Eureka.

Light, bubbly, crisp, refreshing, sweet, sour and oh soooo good!

One of our best sellers, especially in Summer.

$32 / 750ml

7.5% ABV (alcohol)

∙ Recipes ∙

Cooking & Cocktail Recipes using “Lemon Splash” Mead

1/4 Cup Remeadies Raspberry, Blueberry or Lemon Splash Mead

2 Scoops French Vanilla Ice Cream

Mint & berries for garnish

1) Add a scoop of ice cream to the bottom of a glass.

2) Carefully pour in the mead, reserving a little.

3) Add the second scoop and drizzle the remaining mead over the top.

4) Garnish with mint and raspberries.

* Try with Raspberry, Blueberry or Lemon Splash Mead (lemon requires additional ice cream to balance. Think “creamsicle”)
* Make it a parfait with layers of Granola or Cookies
* Try with Chocolate Ice Cream or Fruit Sorbet

Lemon Splash Mead is used to cover the fruit just prior to enjoying and you can drink the rest with the dessert as a pairing.

* 5 white peaches or nectarines
* 3 apples (any variety)
* 9oz bag frozen berries (any variety)
* 1 large lemon (or 2 small)
* 1/4 cup sugar
* Mint or Thai basil as garnish

Variations: Raspberry Splash Mead can also be used instead of the Lemon Splash Mead

1) Juice the lemons and add to a large bowl
2) Add the sugar and berries
3) Cut each fruit into bite sized pieces and mix as you go. Coating the fruit with the lemon juice mixture prevents browning due to oxidation.
4) Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and place in your fridge until ready to enjoy (minimum 30 minutes). Ideally, this rests for a few hours prior to serving but can be prepped the previous day.
5) Serve in small bowls, or wine glasses, with a spoon.
6) Cover the fruit with Lemon Splash mead just before eating (or Raspberry Splash Mead)
7) Garnish with fresh mint or Thai basil.

* Lemon Splash Mead
* Blueberry Splash Mead

1) Fill a wine glass half way full with Lemon Splash Mead.
2) Fill the rest of the glass with Blueberry Splash Mead by pouring it slowly over the back of a spoon, held close to the surface.

Pouring over the back of the spoon spreads out the pour so that it will gently form layers.

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